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Services we provide

From predicting stock market trends and international financial flows to consumer preferences and social media analytics, community detection and recommender systems, we can bring cutting-edge technology to your business.

AI, Machine Learning, Deep Neural Network Models

We have been building deep neural network models since 2015, and since then have developed extensive experience with different modeling approaches and techniques. Whether you want a custom built neural network model in TensorFlow or PyTorch, or simply to improve your existing machine learning pipeline or data science workflow, we can deliver a production-grade solution.

financial data

Integrating Large Language Models (GPT-3, GPT-4)

Perhaps you want a system to make predictions but don't have labelled data? LLMs such as GPT-3 and GPT-3.5-turbo can label data reliably and more cheaply than humans on technical documents including legal, financial, or regulatory documents, code and scientific or mathematical texts, even things not normally thought of as texts such as the structure of molecules.

Language models can also be used in combination with vector store indexes/ databases and retrieval methods such as Pinecone, Weaviate or Qdrant to outperform more traditional databases such as ElasticSearch on some tasks.

scientific data

Data in, Knowledge Out

We have experience working with a broad range of data types and methods, including natural language processing (NLP), time-series modeling and forecasting, network analysis, spatial data, graph data, tabular and image data.

Beyond generating the model, we also have many years of experience deploying models in enterprise environments on cloud services such as AWS, Google Cloud and Azure, data visualization, and the creation of APIs and data analytics dashboards. And of course we're capable of working within regulatory constraints of GDPR and CCPA requirements.